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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amorphen Legierungen auf Eisenbasis und nanokristallinen Legierungen auf Eisenbasis?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amorphen Legierungen auf Eisenbasis und nanokristallinen Legierungen auf Eisenbasis?

Iron-based amorphous alloys are amorphous alloys with iron-based additions of silicon, boron and other elements obtained through a special preparation process in which the internal atoms are arranged in an irregular long-range disordered state, also known as liquid metals (atoms are in a liquid disordered state). metal) or metallic glass. Nanokristallin alloys are alloys with nanoscale grains, which are crystalline alloys with very fine grains or mixed alloys with fine grains and amorphous states. So the difference in structure comes out, one is an alloy with a crystalline state or the surface layer is a crystalline state, and the other is an amorphous alloy.
Nanocrystalline alloys are obtained through a heat treatment process on the basis of amorphous alloys. They retain the properties of iron-based amorphous alloys with strong magnetic properties, low iron loss and high magnetic permeability, and are better than iron-based amorphous alloys. It is said that the blue is better than the blue, which is the difference in performance.

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