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Nehmen wir die Entwicklungsgeschichte von nanokristallin

Nehmen wir die Entwicklungsgeschichte von nanokristallin

In the early 1980s, the German Gleite H proposed the concept of nanocrystalline materials and took the lead in successfully developing artificial nanocrystals. The experimental results found that this polymer material has high strength, and its structure and performance are special. Scientists are competing to study and develop new materials, and nanokristallin alloys are called "new materials of the 21st century."


In 1988, Yoshizawa and others of Hitachi Metals, Japan first prepared Fe0735CuQ.01Nb0.Q3Si0.135BQ.09 nanocrystalline alloy, which was Finemet.

These iron-based nanocrystalline alloys have attracted wide attention from materials scholars all over the world for their soft magnetic properties. This aspect is due to the unique structural characteristics of iron-based nanomaterials and the characteristics of both nanocrystalline alloys. The characteristic of this largest soft magnetic alloy is that it has low energy consumption and high magnetic properties equivalent to that of cobalt-based amorphous alloys. The conductivity is close to zero, and its magnetic induction intensity exceeds the performance of similar materials, reaching about 1.2T.

The soft magnetic alloy is obtained by adding a small amount of Cu and Nb on the basis of the traditional Fe-S1-B amorphous alloy, and is obtained by heating treatment. A large number of Fe-Si grains with a scale of 10-15 nm are distributed around the residual amorphous alloy. The alloy crystal matrix has a lightened "nanocrystalline" structure. The role of these elements is to diffuse and inhibit the growth of iron particles, thereby also reducing the nanometer size, while reducing the magnetic loss factor, heating temperature zone, improving brittleness and process performance. Cr also has a significant effect on corrosion resistance.

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